Training Programs for Lawyers
As a law firm partner, I led numerous client workshops and firm practice group trainings about market trends, credit agreement fundamentals, intercreditor arrangements, private credit, and other subjects. I also spoke at Continuing Legal Education programs for the Practising Law Institute and Strafford.
I witnessed first hand the challenges of integrating new associates into legal practice in the face of client fee pressures and advances in Artificial Intelligence. My law school courses and firm training programs are designed to equip associates with practical skills to bridge these gaps. In this vein, I recently conducted foundational courses junior associates at two leading law firms.
Throughout my career, I was actively involved in mentoring associates and junior partners. In addition to training programs for new associates, I have developed workshops for senior associates considering partnership, new partners adjusting to their roles, and law firm practice leaders seeking to refine their strategies.
Drawing on my speaking engagements, teaching, mentoring, and legal practice, I have designed presentations and trainings for law firms on various topics including:
Business Development
Drafting Techniques
Time Management
Negotiation skills
Effective Communication
Turning Mistakes into Opportunities
Why Training Matters To Me
Training and mentoring mean the world to me. My grandmother, father, mother, godmother, sister, and father-in-law (left to right from top) trained and mentored pilots, neurologists, journalists, chemists, grade and high school students, and adult learners. I am grateful for their lifelong examples.
I know what it is like to be a junior associate, an aspiring partner, a partner seeking to grow a book of business, and a practice group leader. Building on these experiences, I have developed a number of training programs for law firms, for associates and partners at all stages of their career.
What Lawyers Say
“Thank you for your mentorship at the firm. It was always so productive to walk into your office and pick your brain. I really appreciate your positivity and passion for the work we do, in addition to your willingness to provide guidance on big law generally.”
“I wanted to express my gratitude for your guidance and support. Your insights and encouragement have had a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth, and I remain deeply appreciative.”
“I am so thankful for your mentorship - you really added so much to my experience. I very much intend to remember this experience in the future when I sign up to be a mentor.”